How many of your friends and relatives will die unexpectedly or get
severely ill this year due to being forcibly given poison?
Yes -- Wake Up and Pay Attention -- This is IMPORTANT
The article I've included below is a prelude to another article,
which deals with the severe health dangers we are faced with here
in the USA and many other countries around the world. So please
read this first article and then read the second.
If you've not been exposed to this kind of information before this
could be shocking and maybe you will disbelieve it. But remember
this. Whenever you're given information by the media and the drug
companies... just remember to follow the money.
Or more aptly to try and understand their motives. If you can
pierce through the veil and get at the facts you'll realize that
truth is stranger than fiction.
Once you read the first article, you'll realize that what is being
written in the second article could be true because it already
happened once in history.
If you don't understand the information below and take appropriate
measures it's very likely that you too could be one of the people
who die or have severe and lifelong health problems as a result.
I'm not talking about cooked food here. Something much worse and
something which could kill, maim and injure you and your loved ones
in a short time.
And if the governments of the world have their way, they'll be the
ones poisoning us and we won't be able to do anything about it.
This will be done under the guise of protecting us.
But nothing could be further from the truth. And they won't give us
a choice.
This all pertains to the current Swine Flu scare and the planned
mandatory vaccinations with the Swine Flu vaccine.
1. "The 1918 Influenza Epidemic Was a Vaccine - Caused Disease"
Very few people realize that the worst epidemic ever to hit
America, the Spanish Influenza of 1918 was the after effect of the
massive nation-wide vaccine campaign. The doctors told the people
that the disease was caused by germs. Viruses were not known at
that time or they would have been blamed. Germs. bacteria and
viruses, along with bacilli and a few other invisible organisms are
the scapegoats which the doctors like to blame for the things they
do not understand. If the doctor makes a wrong diagnosis and
treatment, and kills the patient, he can always blame it on the
germs, and say the patient didnt get an early diagnosis and come to
him in time.
If we check back in history to that 1918 flu period, we will see
that it suddenly struck just after the end of World War I when our
soldiers were returning home from overseas. That was the first war
in hich all the known vaccines were forced on all the servicemen.
This mish-mash of poison drugs and putrid protein of which the
vaccines were composed, caused such widespread disease and death
among the soldiers that it was the common talk of the day, that
more of our men were being killed by medical shots than by enemy
shots from guns. Thousands were invalided home or to military
hospitals, as hopeless wrecks, before they ever saw a day of
battle. The death and disease rate among the vaccinated soldiers
was four times higher than among the unvaccinated civilians. But
this did not stop the vaccine promoters. Vaccine has always been
big business, and so it was continued doggedly.
It was a shorter war than the vaccine-makers had planned on, only
about a year for us, so the vaccine promoters had a lot of unused,
spoiling vaccines left over which they wanted to sell at a good
profit. So they did what they usually do, they called a meeting
behind closed doors, and plotted the whole sordid program, a
nationwide (worldwide) vaccination drive using all their vaccines,
and telling the people that the soldiers were coming home with many
dread diseases contracted in foreign countries and that it was the
patriotic duty of every man, woman and child to get "protected" by
rushing down to the vaccination centers and having all the shots.
Most people believe their doctors and government officials, and do
what they say. The result was, that almost the entire population
submitted to the shots without question, and it was only a matter
of hours until people began dropping dead in agony, while many
others collapsed with a disease of such virulence that no one had
ever seen anything like it before. They had all the characteristics
of the diseases they had been vaccinated against, the high fever,
chills, pain, cramps, diarrhea, etc. of typhoid, and the pneumonia
like lung and throat congestion of diphtheria and the vomiting,
headache, weakness and misery of hepatitis from the jungle fever
shots, and the outbreak of sores on the skin from the smallpox
shots, along with paralysis from all the shots, etc.
The doctors were baffled, and claimed they didnt know what caused
the strange and deadly disease, and they certainly had no cure.
They should have known the underlying cause was the vaccinations,
because the same thing happened to the soldiers after they had
their shots at camp. The typhoid fever shots caused a worse form of
the disease which they called para-typhoid. Then they tried to
suppress the symptoms of that one with a stronger vaccine which
caused a still more serious disease which killed and disabled a
great many men. The combination of all the poison vaccines
fermenting together in the body, caused such violent reactions that
they could not cope with the situation. Disaster ran rampant in the
camps. Some of the military hospitals were filled with nothing but
paralyzed soldiers, and they were called war casualties, even
before they left American soil. I talked to some of the survivors
of that vaccine onslaught when they returned home after the war,
and they told of the horrors, not of the war itself, and battles,
but of the sickness at camp.
The doctors didn't want this massive vaccine disease to reflect on
them, so they, agreed among themselves to call it Spanish
Influenza. Spain was a far away place and some of the soldiers had
been there, so the idea of calling it Spanish Influenza seemed to
be a good way to lay the blame on someone else. The Spanish
resented having us name the world scourge on them. They knew the
flu didnt originate in their country.
20,000,000 died of that flu epidemic, worldwide, and it seemed to
be almost universal or as far away as the vaccinations reached.
Greece and a few other countries which did not accept the vaccines
were the only ones which were not hit by the flu. Doesnt that prove
At home (in the U.S.) the situation was the same; the only ones who
escaped the influenza were those who had refused the vaccinations.
My family and I were among the few who persisted in refusing the
high pressure sales propaganda ,and none of us had the flu not even
a sniffle, in spite of the fact that it was all around us, and in
the bitter cold of winter. Everyone seemed to have it. The whole
town was down sick and dying. The hospitals were closed because the
doctors and nurses were down with the flu. Everything was closed,
schools, businesses, post office everything. No one was on the
streets. It was like a ghost town. There were no doctors to care
for the sick, so my parents went from house to house doing what
they could to help the stricken in any way they could. They spent
all day and part of the night for weeks, in the sick rooms, and
came home only to eat and sleep. If germs or viruses, bacteria, or
any other little organisms were the cause of that disease, they had
plenty of opportunity to latch onto my parents and "lay them low"
with the disease which had prostrated the world. But germs were not
the cause of that or any other disease, so they didnt "catch" it. I
have talked to a few other people since that time, who said they
escaped the 1918 flu, so I asked if they had the shots, and in
every case, they said they had never believed in shots and had
never had any of them. Common sense tells us that all those toxic
vaccines all mixed up together in people, could not help but cause
extreme body-poisoning and poisoning of some kind or another is
usually the cause of disease.
Whenever a person coughs or sneezes, most people cringe, thinking
that the germs are being spread around in the au and will attack
people. There is no need to fear those germs any more, because that
is not the way colds are developed. Germs cant live apart from the
cells (host) and cant do harm anyway, even if they wanted to. They
have no teeth to bite anyone, no poison pouches like snakes,
mosquitoes or bees, and do not multiply, except in decomposed
substances, so they are helpless to harm. As stated before, their
purpose is useful, not destructive.
The 1918 flu was the most devastating disease we ever had, and it
brought forth all the medical bag of tricks to quell it, but those
added drugs, all of which are poisons, only intensified the
over-poisoned condition of the people, so the treatments actually
killed more than the vaccines did.
Vaccination The Silent Killer: A Clear And Present Danger by Ida
Honorof and E. McBean (Paperback - 1977) Out of Print-Limited
Here's another book from 1977 that you can read online regarding
this very topic. It's called, "Swine Flu Expose"
Ok then, now you've familiarized yourself with this information.
Maybe you're starting to get a different viewpoint on vaccinations.
I've done lots of study on this topic myself and therefore feel
that the drug companies and the USDA etc. do not have our best
health interests in mind.
For extensive proof of this with loads of documentation and court
cases to back it up, just read the book, "Politics In Healing," by
Daniel Haley.
Then read this article, which deals with our current situation and
what is being planned for us by Big Brother in regards to this
nonsense about the Swine Flu.
Roger Haeske
Friday, August 7, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Top 10 Reasons To Grow Your Own Organic Food
What other reasons can you come up with?
Top 10 Reasons To Grow Your Own Organic Food
(And to buy organic when you can’t grow it)
Besides being used to grow food, community gardens are also a great way to beautify a community, and to bring pride in ownership.
Many studies have shown that organically grown food has more minerals and nutrients that we need than food grown with synthetic
pesticides. There’s a good reason why many chefs use organic foods in their recipes—they taste better. Organic farming starts with
the nourishment of the soil, which eventually leads to the nourishment of the plant and, ultimately our palates.
Growing your own food can help cut the cost of the grocery bill. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars and month at the grocery
store on foods that don’t really nourish you, spend time in the garden, outside, exercising, learning to grow your own food.
“We have not inherited the Earth from our fathers, we are borrowing it from our children.” –Lester Brown
The average child receives four times more exposure than an adult to at least eight widely used cancer-causing pesticides in food.
Food choices you make now will impact your child’s future health.
The Soil Conservation Service estimates more than 3 billion tons of topsoil are eroded from the United States’ croplands each year.
That means soil erodes seven times faster than it’s built up naturally. Soil is the foundation of the food chain in organic farming.
However, in conventional farming, the soil is used more as a medium for holding plants in a vertical position so they can be
chemically fertilized. As a result, American farms are suffering from the worst soil erosion in history.
Water makes up two-thirds of our body mass and covers three-fourths of the planet. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
estimates pesticides—some cancer causing—contaminate the groundwater in 38 states, polluting the primary source of drinking water
for more than half the country’s population.
American farms have changed drastically in the last three generations, from family-based small businesses dependent on human
energy to large-scale factory farms. Modern farming uses more petroleum than any other single industry, consuming 12 percent of the
country’s totally energy supply. More energy is now used to produce synthetic fertilizers than to till, cultivate and harvest all the crops
in the United States. If you are growing your own food in the city, you are cutting down on transportation and pollution costs.
Many pesticides approved for use by the EPA were registered long before extensive research linking these chemicals to cancer and
other diseases had been established. Now the EPA considers 60 percent of all herbicides, 90 percent of all fungicides and 30 percent
of all insecticides carcinogenic. A 1987 National Academy of Sciences report estimated that pesticides might cause an extra 4 million
cancer cases among Americans. If you are growing your own food, you have control over what does, or doesn’t, go into it. The
bottom line is that pesticides are poisons designed to kill living organisms and can also harm humans. In addition to cancer,
pesticides are implicated in birth defects, nerve damage and genetic mutations.
A National Cancer Institute study found that farmers exposed to herbicides had six times more risk than nonfarmers of contracting
cancer. In California, reported pesticide poisonings among farm workers have risen an average of 14 percent a year since 1973 and
doubled between 1975 and 1985. Field workers suffer the highest rates of occupational illness in the state. Farm worker health is also
a serious problem in developing nations, where pesticide use can be poorly regulated. An estimated 1 million people are poisoned
annually by pesticides.
Although more and more large-scale farms are making the conversion to organic practices, most organic farms are small,
independently owned family farms of fewer than 100 acres. It’s estimated the United States has lost more than 650,000 family farms
in the past decade. And the U.S. Department of Agriculture predicted that half of this country’s farm production will come from 1
percent of farms by the year 2000, organic farming could be one of the few survival tactics left for family farms.
Mono-cropping is the practice of planting large plots of land with the same crop year after year. While this approach tripled farm
production between 1950 and 1970, the lack of natural diversity of plant life has left the soil lacking in natural minerals and nutrients.
To replace the nutrients, chemical fertilizers are used, often in increasing amounts.
Single crops are also much more susceptible to pests, making farmers more reliant on pesticides. Despite a tenfold increase in the use
of pesticides between 1947 and 1974, crop losses due to insects have doubled—partly because some insects have become genetically
resistant to certain pesticides.
As posted by Food Matters
Top 10 Reasons To Grow Your Own Organic Food
(And to buy organic when you can’t grow it)
Besides being used to grow food, community gardens are also a great way to beautify a community, and to bring pride in ownership.
Many studies have shown that organically grown food has more minerals and nutrients that we need than food grown with synthetic
pesticides. There’s a good reason why many chefs use organic foods in their recipes—they taste better. Organic farming starts with
the nourishment of the soil, which eventually leads to the nourishment of the plant and, ultimately our palates.
Growing your own food can help cut the cost of the grocery bill. Instead of spending hundreds of dollars and month at the grocery
store on foods that don’t really nourish you, spend time in the garden, outside, exercising, learning to grow your own food.
“We have not inherited the Earth from our fathers, we are borrowing it from our children.” –Lester Brown
The average child receives four times more exposure than an adult to at least eight widely used cancer-causing pesticides in food.
Food choices you make now will impact your child’s future health.
The Soil Conservation Service estimates more than 3 billion tons of topsoil are eroded from the United States’ croplands each year.
That means soil erodes seven times faster than it’s built up naturally. Soil is the foundation of the food chain in organic farming.
However, in conventional farming, the soil is used more as a medium for holding plants in a vertical position so they can be
chemically fertilized. As a result, American farms are suffering from the worst soil erosion in history.
Water makes up two-thirds of our body mass and covers three-fourths of the planet. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
estimates pesticides—some cancer causing—contaminate the groundwater in 38 states, polluting the primary source of drinking water
for more than half the country’s population.
American farms have changed drastically in the last three generations, from family-based small businesses dependent on human
energy to large-scale factory farms. Modern farming uses more petroleum than any other single industry, consuming 12 percent of the
country’s totally energy supply. More energy is now used to produce synthetic fertilizers than to till, cultivate and harvest all the crops
in the United States. If you are growing your own food in the city, you are cutting down on transportation and pollution costs.
Many pesticides approved for use by the EPA were registered long before extensive research linking these chemicals to cancer and
other diseases had been established. Now the EPA considers 60 percent of all herbicides, 90 percent of all fungicides and 30 percent
of all insecticides carcinogenic. A 1987 National Academy of Sciences report estimated that pesticides might cause an extra 4 million
cancer cases among Americans. If you are growing your own food, you have control over what does, or doesn’t, go into it. The
bottom line is that pesticides are poisons designed to kill living organisms and can also harm humans. In addition to cancer,
pesticides are implicated in birth defects, nerve damage and genetic mutations.
A National Cancer Institute study found that farmers exposed to herbicides had six times more risk than nonfarmers of contracting
cancer. In California, reported pesticide poisonings among farm workers have risen an average of 14 percent a year since 1973 and
doubled between 1975 and 1985. Field workers suffer the highest rates of occupational illness in the state. Farm worker health is also
a serious problem in developing nations, where pesticide use can be poorly regulated. An estimated 1 million people are poisoned
annually by pesticides.
Although more and more large-scale farms are making the conversion to organic practices, most organic farms are small,
independently owned family farms of fewer than 100 acres. It’s estimated the United States has lost more than 650,000 family farms
in the past decade. And the U.S. Department of Agriculture predicted that half of this country’s farm production will come from 1
percent of farms by the year 2000, organic farming could be one of the few survival tactics left for family farms.
Mono-cropping is the practice of planting large plots of land with the same crop year after year. While this approach tripled farm
production between 1950 and 1970, the lack of natural diversity of plant life has left the soil lacking in natural minerals and nutrients.
To replace the nutrients, chemical fertilizers are used, often in increasing amounts.
Single crops are also much more susceptible to pests, making farmers more reliant on pesticides. Despite a tenfold increase in the use
of pesticides between 1947 and 1974, crop losses due to insects have doubled—partly because some insects have become genetically
resistant to certain pesticides.
As posted by Food Matters
Monday, August 3, 2009
MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Symptom Free with Raw Foods
This is great!!! Everyone should watch this especially if you have an autoimmune disease..
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