Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What they never told you!
Handy Anti-Vaccine letter that parents can send to their children's schools
After reading about the forced vaccination of a Brooklyn schoolgirl who ended up in the hospital, many parents are concerned about how they might protect their own children from school-based vaccination schemes.
To help parents protect their children, I've written a letter that you may copy, modify and use as a warning to the principal of the school(s) where your own children are students. This letter will serve as a warning to the school principal that if your child is vaccinated without your permission, you will unleash a hellstorm of legal action and media attention that every school principal desperately wishes to avoid. (Feel free to modify this letter to tone down the language a bit if you already have a friendly relationship with your local school principal.)
Once you're satisfied with the language, print and sign this letter, then have it notarized so the signing date can be proven in court. When that's complete, mail a copy to your school using registered mail (so you have proof it was delivered), then print off another copy for your child to carry with them at all times.
Instruct your child that if they are called to the nurse's office to be injected with the vaccine, they should produce this note and show it to the nurse. You may also instruct your child to protect themselves by running from the nurse's office and calling you at home or work (print your phone number on the back of the note).
Role-play this scenario to make sure your child understands exactly what you're asking them to do. Otherwise, they will usually just do what they're told at school, especially if they are threatened with getting into trouble by school teachers or nurses.
This letter hasn't been reviewed by a lawyer. If you want a stronger legal angle for your letter, take this to your lawyer and ask them to beef it up with more "lawyer language."
This letter, by the way, is offered as-is, with no guarantees. It's simply being published here on NaturalNews as a public service to give concerned parents something they can use to help protect the health of their children from overzealous vaccination schemes.
(Note: You may need to alter the gender references in the letter below if your child is a girl. The note is written using "he.")
A letter for your school principal (and nursing staff)
From: (Your name here)
Date: (Insert date here)
RE: Request for NON-vaccination of my child (insert child's name here)
Dear Principal Johnson (and the nursing staff),
This letter is to inform you that as a parent of a child in your school, I do not consent to any H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccination of my child, (insert child's name here), and that if my child is subjected to such a vaccine without my permission, I will consider that a gross violation of not only my parental rights, but the civil rights of my child.
The H1N1 swine flu vaccines currently being given to schoolchildren in America were approved by the FDA using an unlawful waiver that allowed the vaccines to be approved with absolutely no credible scientific testing. No adequate safety or efficacy testing has been conducted on any of the swine flu vaccines, and those children who are being injected with the vaccines are being treated as human guinea pigs.
H1N1 swine flu has also turned out to be so mild that it can be easily overcome with a healthy immune system aided by healthy levels of circulating vitamin D. My child takes vitamin D supplementation and therefore has an extremely healthy, active immune system that can easily mount its own antibody response against swine flu or other forms of influenza. Because of his immune system health and nutritional regimen, my child poses no health threat as a "carrier" of the swine flu, even without being vaccinated.
As a parent, part of my responsibility to my child is to protect them from potentially dangerous chemicals or unproven medications that may cause neurological side effects. A previous batch of swine flu vaccines in 1976 are now known to have caused Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), a serious neurological disorder that can cause paralysis or death. The risk of such side effects may be small, but they are permanent and not worth the claimed protection against a disease that, according to CDC statistics, is many times less virulent than regular seasonal flu.
Please make note that my child is not to receive any vaccinations without my prior written consent, and that if my child is subjected to vaccines of any kind without such permission, I will immediately seek legal counsel in an attempt to hold your school responsible for all long-term medical costs potentially associated with the vaccine side effects. I will also sue for violation of my child's civil rights.
Should such a scenario unfold, I also plan to go public with this story at both the local and national levels in order to bring increased awareness to this gross violation of parental rights. A copy of this signed and dated letter will be made available to the press to prove that I clearly and specifically requested my child NOT be vaccinated. I will also be happy to provide this documentation to whatever state regulators or law enforcement investigators may become involved at that point.
You may avoid all of this by honoring my request to safeguard my child from any and all H1N1 (Swine Flu) vaccines being given at your school.
(Your name here)
(Notary stamp here)
Final Note: If your child is violated with a vaccine without your permission, please contact NaturalNews so that we may bring awareness to your story (if you wish). Your credibility will be greatly improved if you have a signed, notarized and dated letter (along with proof of mail delivery) stating your desire to avoid having your child vaccinated.
Monday, November 2, 2009
If you have to Eat Meat ...Links to Good Organic Farms
Greensbury Market never refers to our meats as natural. That's because we've chosen a much higher standard: organic.
There are no official guidelines for natural foods. The only way we can promise our customers a truly superior product is to embrace the USDA's very strict guidelines for certified organic meats. Look for the USDA seal on our package. What this means to you:
organic farmers do not use antibiotics or synthetic growth hormones.
organic meat comes from animals that are given 100 percent organic feed.
organic animals are given access to the outdoors and/or pastures.
organic farms do no use most conventional pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation.
organic farmers emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations.
organic farms are inspected by a Government-approved certifier to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards. Companies that handle or process organic meats must be certified, too.
For more information about certified organic foods and farms, you can visit the USDA website at
When you choose Greensbury meats, you never have to worry about how and where the animals were raised. Our team insists on high quality meats from people we trust: a select network of organic family farms that follow traditional, healthy practices. If you are concerned about eating nutritious, delicious foods with the fewest possible health risks, organic is the right choice. Benefits include:
Healthier, more traditional, more attentive farming practices. Animals on certified organic farms are raised with special attention to their health and wellbeing. They have access to fresh air, sunshine, and the outdoors. Organically raised animals grow at their own natural pace, with no artificial hormones. By following free-ranging or free-grazing practices, organic farms not only treat animals more humanely, but also improve the animals' health and reduce stress.
No hormones, antibiotics or GMOs. Organic livestock are never given antibiotics or synthetic hormones such as the genetically engineered bovine growth hormone. Their feed is organic and vegetarian. By eating all-organic meats, you also limit your intake of genetically modified foods, because organic farmers cannot raise genetically modified crops or livestock or use production aids that are genetically modified.
Good old-fashioned nutrition. Organic meat is naturally rich in protein, vitamins and minerals such as iron. Serving organic beef, chicken and pork is a great way to make sure your family stays strong and healthy. Organic animals are raised the way nature intended, in an environment with fewer toxins, no pesticides, healthier soil, and 100% organic all-vegetarian feed.
At Greensbury, we love the great taste of organic meats – and we're also mindful of how everyday food choices may effect the environment for generations to come. We partner with a network of farmers who are committed to using organic agricultural practices. These practices:
Reduce unhealthy chemicals and toxins in our environment. Organic animals are never fed hormones or antibiotics. Certified organic farmers do no use most conventional pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation. Organic agricultural practices prevent pesticides and other chemicals from getting into the air, earth and water that sustain us.
Build healthy soil. Well-balanced soil is the foundation of healthy, nutritious food. Conventional farming depletes the soil over time. Organic farmers use practices that replenish and build healthy soil.
Protect the water supply. Eliminating polluting chemicals and nitrogen leaching, in combination with soil building, prevents contamination and protects and conserves water resources.
Consume less fossil fuel. Organic farming seeks to make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls. Organic farmers use green manures and crop covers, rather than synthetic fertilizers made from petroleum.
Respect and nurture healthy animals and people. Choosing organic is a great way to take care of the people you care about. You can nourish yourself, your family, and the planet by supporting sustainable farming practices and eating foods that are truly good for you.

Local NY Farms
Grasse River B Ranch is a small 70 acre ranch in Northen New York's St. Lawrence River Valley. Our lush grasses are the perfect place to raise our Angus - Hereford crosses. All of our beef are 100% grass fed and raised on organically fertilized native grass stands. We use no hormones, antibiotics, or really anything else. A plentiful supply of grass, water and minerals. Also because we are a small ranch we do not raise a large number of beef, these animals are free to graze on the entire ranch. We have a large selection of beef cuts that you may buy off of our sister ranch; 8 O'clock Ranch Lamb website. We ship to the entire US using Insulateed boxes. Please visit the website to order, we accept most credit cards. We also have several beautiful apple trees that you may pick from or order between Septmeber -November.
With recent beef recalls for the inhumane treatment of downer cows plus the concern over e coli and mad cow disease, Fox News investigated typical supermarket feedlot beef vs the health benefits of grass fed beef.
Fox News spent the day with Dr. Patricia Whisnant. She is a veterinarian, grass farmer, the President of American Grassfed Association, owner of and processes USDA certified organic beef for local family farms. Her grass fed beef is certified Free Farmed Humane by American Humane.
Dr. Whisnant states that grass fed beef is healthier for consumers, safer, eco friendly, better for the environment and better for animals.
Fox News did an independent test on and supermarket beef. They found was higher in protein, lower in fat and cholesterol.
Another One of the Best Whole Food Products..More...Energy..Health ..Peace
Supported by 25 years of research and use, Pure Synergy® remains the standard by which all other green superfood formulas are measured. Based on the original Kirlian research of Dr. Mitchell May and his colleagues at UCLA Medical Center, Pure Synergy’s unique and comprehensive formula captures a multitude of valuable phytonutrients, including lutein, enzymes, chlorophyll, carotenes, beta glucans, iodine, alginates, ellagic acid, anthocyanins, proanthocyanins, quercetin, RNA/DNA, sulforaphane, phycocyanins, GLA, SOD, sitosterols, and zeaxanthin, from some of nature’s most vitalizing and nutrient-rich herbs, algae, grass juices and other foods. These special raw foods provide you with powerful support at the most fundamental levels, and the results can be remarkable! When you receive the deep nourishment necessary to function optimally, your body is able to naturally detoxify, regenerate and sustain abundant physical and mental energy throughout your busy days.
“Eat your fruits and vegetables!” We’ve all heard it a thousand times. In fact, scientists and researchers are now recommending nine servings a day of fruits and vegetables. Why so much? Greens and fruits are abundant sources of vitamins and minerals, but, more importantly, they are phytonutrient powerhouses. The phytonutrient compounds that function as a plant’s immune system offer substantial antioxidant and detoxifying benefits to us. We now know that chlorophyll, carotenes, lutein, bioflavonoids, anthocyanins, proanthocyanins and phycocyanins are responsible for many of the health-protective benefits experienced by people who eat diets rich in fruits and vegetables.
Pure Synergy is bursting with vital phytonutrients. Grass juices, algae, sea vegetables, spinach, collards, kale and berries are the richest known sources of many of these precious compounds. More important, Pure Synergy provides these phytonutrients in their natural, synergistic food form. This means that the phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals contained in Pure Synergy enhance and support each other’s activity, providing protective, regenerative and strengthening benefits to you!
Pure Synergy’s cleansing and regenerative grass juices, algae, seaweeds and enzymes are combined with protective fruits and berries and restorative, adaptogenic herbs and mushrooms to enhance natural detoxification and the radiant energy that results from genuine well-being. Unlike many companies, we never add fillers or bulking agents (such as whole grasses, apple fiber or pectin, rice bran or flax), which dilute nutritional potency and are a potential source of genetically modified material. Because the cellulose fiber in whole grass is indigestible, it prevents the grass’s valuable phytonutrients from being released in the digestive system. For this reason, we use only grass juices. In every spoonful of Pure Synergy, you receive densely packed nutrition that intensely nourishes and strengthens every system in your body, resulting in sustained energy, enhanced recovery, mental clarity and overall well-being!
Pure Synergy is special not only because of its extraordinary formula, but also because we meticulously cultivate and protect all the precious constituents contained in it. We work closely with our certified organic growers to ensure the optimal development of enzymes and beneficial phytonutrients in Pure Synergy’s ingredients. These extraordinary herbs and other foods are harvested at their peak of potency and immediately concentrated and dried by utilizing proprietary cool-temperature processes that preserve their energetic and nutritional integrity. Studies have shown that these unique technologies offer unprecedented protection of the enzymes and other valuable phytonutrient constituents. Our Ultra Fresh Packaging™ further protects Pure Synergy from damaging light, oxygen and moisture after bottling.
Pure Synergy's Origins
In 1972, on a rainy Alabama road, Mitchell May's life was changed forever when a speeding car slammed into his vehicle. The collision was so catastrophic that rescuers required 45 minutes to free him from the wreckage, and he was left with many critical injuries. The most serious of these were to his legs, which sustained over 40 fractures as well as severe nerve and muscle damage.
Although his doctors insisted he would never walk again, Mitchell believed differently. Determined to regain the use of his legs, he began his own intensive and unconventional healing program. The results were astonishing. Mitchell made medical history when he regenerated nerve, bone and muscle tissue, which doctors had predicted would be impossible. His healing was so phenomenal that it has been documented and studied by medical researchers and featured in periodicals and documentaries. Today, Mitchell race walks, backpacks and hikes in the canyons near his home.
During his healing process, Mitchell knew it was essential to support his body with the most regenerative, life-enhancing nutrition available. He devoted himself to an intensive study of the nutritional and energetic properties of numerous superfoods and botanicals that possess unique healing properties. He then tried nearly every nutritional product on the market, only to find that none contained the amazing life energy he had observed in his studies or delivered the nutritional support he sought.
With the same focus and determination that he devoted to his healing, Mitchell set out to create an all-natural superfood made with organic ingredients that would truly capture the phenomenal vibrancy and vitality found in nature. For over a decade, he conducted an exhaustive search, obtaining and testing superfoods from around the world. During this time, he experimented with countless formulas, always seeking the "synergy" that would catapult the performance of superfoods to a whole new level.
After many years, Mitchell developed the perfectly balanced formula that captures and intensifies the amazing life energy found in superfoods — Pure Synergy. He then shared Pure Synergy with friends, patients, doctors, wholistic health care practitioners and others. Their responses were universally enthusiastic and included many grateful reports of increased energy, mental clarity and vitality and renewed well-being.
As more and more people were drawn to the extraordinary qualities of Pure Synergy, Mitchell established The Synergy Company™ to meet demand for his ultimate superfood formula and other health-enhancing products. At our award-winning production facility, where we are certified to produce organic and kosher products, Mitchell personally supervises the entire production of Pure Synergy. His careful attention ensures Pure Synergy continues to offer the same profound benefits that he and his family have enjoyed for over 20 years.
Benefits Reported by Pure Synergy Consumers
Enhances vitality and vigor
Provides sustained and steady energy
Heightens mental clarity
Assists purifying detoxification
Improves immunity
Enhances athletic recovery and physical endurance
Greatly increases sense of well-being
Nurtures a healthy lifestyle
Pure Synergy is perfect for health-conscious people who desire nutrition of the highest quality in order to enhance their health now and into the future. It is used daily by career professionals, homemakers, sports and outdoor enthusiasts, students and many others who know the value of real nourishment. Pure Synergy also provides valuable support to people experiencing a diminished sense of well-being and seeking to regenerate their health and vitality. Pure Synergy is the ideal formula for all of us experiencing the effects of stress, pollutants and nutritionally bankrupt food in our lives. Mitchell created this special formula to provide deep nourishment and life energy — and it does!
The Quality of Pure Synergy
Your health matters to us! Unlike most nutritional products, Pure Synergy does not contain any fillers or artificial chemicals, preservatives or sweeteners. Nor do we use any ingredients that have been irradiated or fumigated, that have unsafe levels of pesticide or herbicide residues or that contain any pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, we completely avoid the use of genetically engineered materials. From using superior ingredients to building our own state-of-the-art production facility, we spare no effort in producing exceptional nutritional products at incomparable prices. If you purchased the ingredients in Pure Synergy individually (in quantities equal to those contained in a large bottle), the cost would exceed $180.00!
Organic & Wildcrafted Ingredients: Pure Synergy is made with organic and wildcrafted ingredients. This not only assures maximum nutrition, but also protects our environment and bodies from harmful toxins. Pure Synergy’s wildcrafted ingredients are sustainably harvested from their natural environments — the purest sources for some superfoods. All our farmers and wildcrafters take special care with the botanicals in Pure Synergy: ethical wildcrafting practices ensure that natural habitats will continue to thrive, and all Pure Synergy’s ingredients are harvested at the optimal stage of growth, when their nutrients have fully matured.
Perfectly Protected: Many nutritional components are highly sensitive to heat. Fresh freeze-drying, cold-drying and Refractance Window drying fully protect the heat-sensitive bioactive constituents and phytonutrients of Pure Synergy’s botanicals. We also utilize special cold-milling equipment. Studies have demonstrated that these unique technologies offer unprecedented protection of all Pure Synergy’s valuable nutrients.
Concentrated & Standardized: When appropriate, we concentrate and standardize select ingredients, using slow, nonchemical processes. Our full-spectrum, standardized concentrates are many times more potent than those created by other methods.
Researched & Tested: In our ongoing research for Pure Synergy, we consult experts in the fields of nutrition and Chinese and Western herbalism and medicine. Additionally, Pure Synergy’s ingredients are subjected to 200 tests for purity at a USDA-approved, FDA-registered laboratory. These tests guarantee that Pure Synergy contains only the highest-quality ingredients.
State-of-the-Art Production: Pure Synergy is blended and bottled at our award-winning facility, where we are certified to manufacture organic and kosher products. We actively support nonpolluting, sustainable energy by participating in the Blue Sky wind power program at the 100% level.
Ultra Fresh Packaging™: Glass is the only packaging material that is 100% inert and impermeable (research shows that plastic bottles don’t fully protect against nutrient-robbing oxygen, and they leach chemicals into food). We vacuum-seal Pure Synergy in light-resistant, recyclable glass bottles, utilizing our Ultra Fresh Packaging process. During this process, an oxygen absorber packet is placed in each bottle. The bottles are then hermetically sealed with induction technology to protect all Pure Synergy’s valuable constituents.
Vegetarian & Kosher: Pure Synergy is a vegetarian, certified kosher product and is 100% pure food. It is available as a powder and in vegetable capsules.
Pure Synergy’s Ingredients
We strive to ensure the quality and integrity of Pure Synergy’s ingredients in every phase of Pure Synergy’s creation— from ingredient selection to product formulation to packaging. The following 60-plus ingredients are the world’s finest and most potent superfoods, and they are in every bottle of Pure Synergy!
Synergized® Algae 3.40 grams/serving
Fresh freeze-dried, cold-dried or Refractance Window dried: Pure Spirulina Crystals*, Pure Klamath Crystals*, Pure Chlorella™, Dunaliella, Kelp*, Wakame*, Kombu*, Bladderwrack*, Dulse*, wildcrafted Dumontiaceae (Cryptosyphonia woodii).
Algae are some of the earth’s oldest, most nutritionally rich life-forms. Amazingly, they produce daily over 70% of the earth’s supply of life-giving oxygen. These microscopic aquatic plants literally transform the sun’s energy into a powerhouse of essential nutrients. By weight, Synergized Algae contains more protein, iron, vitamin B12, trace minerals, RNA, DNA, chlorophyll and beta-carotene than any other known natural food source. Synergized Algae possesses every known mineral essential to human nutrition. Our exclusive formula of ten types of algae provides the most complete spectrum of algae available. To ensure the highest quality and natural purity of Pure Synergy, we include only fresh freeze-dried, cold-dried or Refractance Window dried algae.
Synergized® Phytonutrients & Enzymes 2.87 grams/serving Fresh freeze-dried enzymatically active Sprouts of Millet*, Quinoa*, Broccoli*; Apple Fruit*; fresh freeze-dried Blueberry*, Raspberry*; Green Papaya Fruit*; natural plant Enzymes (Amylase, Cellulase, Lipase, Protease).
Due to their lush, vibrant colors, apples and berries are an extraordinarily concentrated source of crucial antioxidant phytonutrients such as quercetin, ellagic and phenolic acids, anthocyanins and proanthocyanins. These special phytonutrients are so beneficial that scientists now urge people to regularly consume apples and berries. The berries in Pure Synergy are fresh freeze-dried to fully protect and concentrate all their valuable compounds and vital enzymes.
Found in all plants and animals, enzymes are essential for maintaining our health, digesting our food and repairing our bodies. Without them, life ceases. Pure Synergy contains a combination of specially grown natural and organic plant enzymes that offers a unique nutritional profile. Enzymes help maximize Pure Synergy’s effectiveness by assisting in the digestion and assimilation of all Pure Synergy’s valuable ingredients. In addition, our plant enzymes provide a natural source of highly active antioxidant enzymes.
Synergized® Chinese Mushrooms & Herbs 2.61 grams/serving Reishi*, Shiitake*, Maitake*, Agaricus*, Cordyceps*. Standardized 7:1 herbal extract: Astragalus Root, Fo-Ti Root, Poria cocos Root, Codonopsis Root, Atractylodes macrocephala Root, Rehmannia Root, Tang-Kuei Root, Eleuthero Root, Paeonia lactiflora Root, Tangerine Peel, Jujube Fruit, Ginger Rhizome, Schizandra chinensis Fruit, Polygala Root, Ligusticum wallichii Root, Licorice Root.
Deeply nourishing and completely balanced for both men and women, Pure Synergy’s Synergized Chinese Mushrooms & Herbs blend offers one of the most venerated Chinese herbal formulas. For over 4,000 years, generations of Chinese doctors and healers have gathered special herbs and mushrooms to foster strength, well-being and radiant health. The Chinese prize these herbs and mushrooms for their ability to restore and nourish chi – natural Life Force.
The highly valued Chinese herbs in Pure Synergy are hand gathered in China and prepared in the traditional manner, producing a full-spectrum, standardized concentrate seven times more potent than concentrates produced by other processing methods. Unlike any other dried extracts, our Chinese herbal extracts are specially dried, per our specifications, on a pure astragalus carrier. This proprietary process allows us to eliminate the potentially genetically modified fillers and carriers, such as maltodextrin and corn starch, other companies use. Our Chinese herbs are prepared exclusively for us at a government-licensed pharmaceutical company utilizing state-of-the-art laboratory equipment. Our formula is extensively and rigorously tested for pesticide and heavy metal residues and is certified to meet Japanese, German and U.S. standards for safety and purity.
Rare and potent mushrooms have long been a vital part of Oriental medicine ¾ Pure Synergy brings together five of these treasured mushrooms. Revered by ancient Taoist priests for their health-preserving and life-extending power, these powerful mushrooms are currently being researched by the National Institutes of Health. Our mushrooms are organically grown and are some of nature’s most regenerative foods.
Synergized® Green Juices 1.72 grams/serving
Fresh freeze-dried or cold-dried: juice concentrates of Wheat Grass*, Barley Grass*, Oat Grass*, Alfalfa Grass*; Parsley Leaf*, Spinach Leaf*, Kale Leaf*, Collard Leaf*.
Imagine the tremendous energy that bursts forth every spring, renewing life and greening meadows with fresh grasses and wildflowers. Now imagine Synergized Green Juices, juices extracted from potent, pure, organically grown grasses harvested in the fertile ripeness of spring. Completely free of gluten, our grasses are juiced at their peak of potency, concentrated and then immediately cold-dried to keep their special nutrients fresh and active.
Our Synergized Green Juices blend is a splendid source of protein, enzymes, minerals, vitamins and nature’s wonder — chlorophyll. This blend is further enhanced by the addition of our specially grown, freeze-dried, organic green leafy vegetables, which provide a powerhouse of vital phytonutrients such as lutein, sulforaphane, octacosanol and carotenes. Just one tablespoon of Pure Synergy provides the concentrated nutrients found in a large, fresh garden salad.
Synergized® Western Herbs 1.15 grams/serving
Fresh freeze-dried: Nettle Leaf*, Red Clover Flower*, Burdock Root*, Yellow Dock Root*, Skullcap Flower* and Leaf*, Dandelion Leaf*, Ginkgo Leaf*. Rosa canina Fruit (Rose Hips)*.
Native cultures and early herbalists in the Americas treasured tonic herbs for their ability to balance, regenerate and revitalize the body. These special herbs are unique in their capacity to offer enhanced benefits when consumed daily for long periods of time. Unlike other companies, we offer these highly prized, tonifying herbs organically grown and fresh freeze-dried. We do this because freeze-drying is the only drying process that captures and concentrates the full spectrum of their active constituents and ensures their optimal potency and freshness.
Synergized® Natural Antioxidants 2 milligrams/serving
Rosemary Leaf*, Clove Bud*, Sage Leaf*, natural Vitamin E (sunflower).
Because oxidation rapidly destroys the nutritional value of foods, Pure Synergy contains a completely natural and proprietary antioxidant blend of the essential oils of three powerful spices proven to preserve the freshness of highly sensitive nutritional components. Our Synergized Natural Antioxidant blend helps to ensure that your Pure Synergy remains as fresh as it was the day it was made.
The above statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. It is a dietary supplement intended solely for nutritional use.
All Pure Synergy’s ingredients are comprehensively tested, and this superior product is made at The Synergy Company’s own award-winning facility, where we are certified to manufacture organic and kosher products.
Available in pleasant- and mild-tasting powder for mixing in water or juice, and in convenient vegetable capsules.
Botox Kills Animals Better Than it Kills Wrinkles
After the researchers injected the mice with the botulinum toxin, the tiny animals "became increasingly paralysed, eventually gasping for breath and suffocating to death. The degree of suffering is appalling. No pain relief was provided for the mice."
Researchers killed the mice who survived the experiment's poisoning by subjecting them to carbon dioxide poisoning or by breaking their necks. The investigator reports that for the latter, new staff members were trained to break the necks of mice with a ballpoint pen, but during this training, they "sometimes broke the backs of mice rather than their necks," a terribly painful experience for the mice that even more seasoned researchers apparently inflicted on some of the mice as well.
And all this suffering and killing -- of 74,000 animals -- took place when, as is so often the case, there are alternatives. The BUAV has tips for taking action in this case, particularly if you're based in the UK. See also the American Anti-Vivisection Society, the National Anti-Vivisection Society, and the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine for other ongoing U.S. campaigns against animal experimentation to which you can add your voice and signature.
Photo by Aaron Logan retrieved from Wikimedia Commons
Undercover Investigation: Veal Calves Abused at Vermont Slaughter Plant
See the HSUS undercover video that led authorities to shut down the Bushway Packing slaughter plant. This footage includes inhumane handling and slaughter of days-old veal calves.
An HSUS investigation at a slaughter facility in Vermont shows stomach-turning cruelty to veal calves. As you can see in this video, the plant's co-owner and other workers abused animals too weak to stand in order to get them to their feet -- including in front of a USDA inspector who watched but failed to stop the abuse. In one case, a partially decapitated calf appeared to be still conscious. Another scene shows a calf who appears to be conscious while skinned alive.
The people responsible for this sickening abuse must be held accountable. But we also must examine the broader agricultural policies and enforcement problems that lead to the mistreatment of young calves, many of whom are too weak to stand and walk to their own slaughter. For example, a regulatory loophole that allows downed veal calves to go to slaughter provides a financial incentive for producers to abuse these infant animals.
Please ask the U.S. Department of Agriculture to take prompt action to prevent this kind of abuse from ever happening again.