
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Study Reveals Serious HPV Vaccine Problems: Fainting, Blood Clots, Death Among Risks - by Mike Adams

NaturalNews) At first glance, a study just published in the August 19th edition of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) is yet another whitewash job about the safety of the quadrivalent human papillomavirus recombinant vaccine --better known as Gardasil, the genital human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. Licensed in June of 2006 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for girls and young women between the ages of nine and 26, the enormously hyped and advertised vaccine is designed to prevent infection with four types of HPV: types 16 and 18 can cause cervical cancer and types 6 and 11 are the most common types of genital warts.

The JAMA report says that the Gardasil adverse events reported have been mostly consistent with data gathered before the vaccine was considered safe enough to be widely administered to young girls. But a close reading shows some disturbing additional facts.

Just as NaturalNews has consistently reported, the vaccine has caused an extraordinary number of adverse side effects ( And now comes word from the JAMA report that the HPV vaccine has unexpectedly caused episodes of fainting and life-threatening blood clots. In fact, in a statement to the media, these events were called "disproportional" -- meaning these side effects are anything but rare. What's more, among the 12,424 adverse reaction reports about the HPV vaccine, 772 (6.2 percent) were serious and included 32 reports of death.

Other problems caused by the vaccine include local site reactions, skin rashes, nausea, dizziness, headaches and even Guillain-Barre syndrome (a disorder in which the body's immune system attacks part of the peripheral nervous system sometimes causing paralysis) and anaphylaxis (hypersensitivity reaction that can cause sudden death). As just reported by CBS news, the teenage daughter of physician Scott Ratner and his wife was one of the unfortunate girls who became severely ill with a chronic autoimmune disease, myofasciitis, after her first dose of Gardasil. Dr. Ratner told CBS his daughter was so ill with the neurological problem "..she'd have been better off getting cervical cancer than the vaccination."

One the lead researchers for Gardasil has also gone public this week, telling CBS news there is no data showing that the vaccine even remains effective beyond five years. That means that if a ten year old girl is given the vaccine and subjected to possibly serious and even life-threatening side effects, the vaccine may offer her no protection at all when she hits her teens or young adulthood.

What makes the debate about Gardasil crazy to begin with is that studies have shown 70 to 90 percent of people with HPV naturally clear the virus from the body within two years of infection -- with no help from drugs or vaccines. So the most effective protection from problems caused by HPV is to avoid being infected by the multiple strains of HPV by not engaging in promiscuous, unprotected-by-condoms sex (the virus is transmitted sexually and condoms do not offer 100 percent protection) and by keeping your body's immune system strong and healthy through good nutrition, exercise and exposure to sunlight.

In an editorial accompanying the JAMA study, Charlotte Haug, M.D., Ph.D., M.Sc., of The Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association in Oslo expressed her concerns about the aggressively promoted Gardasil vaccine: "Whether a risk is worth taking depends not only on the absolute risk, but on the relationship between the potential risk and the potential benefit. If the potential benefits are substantial, most individuals would be willing to accept the risks. But the net benefit of the HPV vaccine to a woman is uncertain. Even if persistently infected with HPV, a woman most likely will not develop cancer if she is regularly screened..."

For more information:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama

Charlie Sheen addresses the President about 9/11 in a special video message, shortly after releasing his "20 Minutes with the President," specifically addressing 20 key points that need to be answered by a truly independent investigation.

Sheen's message is a call to action, not only for President Obama to address the pertinent issues, but for activists everywhere to pressure their representatives and leaders, wherever they may be, to 'be on the right side of history' and take back the country through peaceful revolution and true grassroots dissent.


Twenty Minutes with the President -

Charlie Sheen Requests Meeting With Obama Over 9/11 Cover-Up -

The Monsanto Story Part 1 of 3

Monsanto from their early days to 1994. Subjects covered include: Agent Orange, PCBs, DDT, chemical accidents, Rachel Carson, Silent Spring. Part 2 is in production. This will be centered around genetics.

Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.1 of 5)

More clips on Monsanto playlist I dont want to live in a Monsanto World

CLICK: More info .
*(9/10/08 UPDATED NEW VIDEO LINKS below)*

P1) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.1 of 5):

P2) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.2 of 5):

P3) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.3 of 5):

P4) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.4 of 5):

P5) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.5 of 5 End):

Monsanto Company, the world leader in Genetically Modified foods.
This "mega" company now owns most of the world's seed.

They (Monsanto) are seeking a patent on the actual pig. It's an astounding and dangerous claim.

The world has allowed this company to basically own life!
If you have not heard of the Monsanto Corporation and you eat food as all humans on earth, it would be worth your time to research what this company is doing to the world's food sources, supplies and what they have planned.

Unless you live in one of the most remote parts of the globe, the odds are you eat foods that have Genetically Modified (from Monsanto Co.) products in them. People are ingesting GMOs these every day, without realizing it. Studies are linking the massive, almost pandemic levels of rare childhood cancers, to the direct increase in GM foods and fluoridated drinking water world wide!

Below are very important links. They could very well be, one of the most important videos you can watch, especially if you have small children.

1)"Future of Foods":

*NEW* 2) Reporters Blow Whistle on FOX News: Monsanto and our milk:
If you are feeding regular milk to your children, it is 95% likely to be from cows injected with Monsanto's BST. If you have little children, at least feed them certified Organic Milk or Organic milk equivalent like Organic soy milk:

*NEW* 3) "Monsanto: Extinction" (How GMOs are manufactured)

4) "The World According to Monsanto" (Ground breaking proof of how the head of the FDA are actually heads of the Monsanto Company):

*NEW* 5) "Monsanto: Seed of Death" (Monsanto's rape of farmer Percy Schmeiser)

6) Percy Schmeiser Part 1: (How Monsanto raped the life of an old farmer and his wife)

*NEW* 7) "Monsanto: End of Life" (last part of this video shows undeniable proof that the FDA & Monsanto are one in the same.) Criminal conflict of interest.

8) "You and your milk" (MONSANTO):

You must STOP feeding your young children non organic milk and GM foods. Their health depends on your knowledge which Monsanto is tying to suppress for PROFITS.

A few of my favorite videos that have been heavily suppressed by main stream media; videos that could very well change you:

1A) - HBO: Hacking Democracy - : (Proof that Americas voting system is manipulated by traitors)

2A) - America: Freedom to Fascism - : (5 star video. One of the best videos of our times)

3A) - FIAT EMPIRE (5 stars. Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution)

4A) - Electronic Voting Machines Whistle Blower - :

5A) - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water - :

6A) - We Become Silent - The Last Days of Health Freedom - :

7A) - Dangers of Fluoride Pt.1 - :

8A) - The Truth about Fluoride - :

Nazi & USSR used Fluoride to make their people docile, complacent and very manageable.

Have you been asking yourself why we Americans are NOT taking action against the massive criminal misconduct of some of our top officials and their travesties? Why we only "woke up" for the first year after 9/11, then like some colossal giant that was awakened by a loud noise, yawned, rolled back over and promptly fell back asleep?
Category: News & Politics

Tags: Monsanto corporation genetically modified food GM foods seed farmers take over monopolies documentary commentary news political commercial world according to suppression ATS Obushma milk pus Obama Bush Cheney hotforwords corporate elites conflict of interest future knights malta G20 20 GMO GMO's FDA cover-up EPA media blackout Fox BGH BST cancer grassroots outreach analysis POSILAC 9/11Hacking Democracy fluoride freedom fascism swine flu

I dont want to live in a Monsanto World

More clips on Monsanto playlist I dont want to live in a Monsanto World


Monsanto abuses yet another farmer (Nelson Farms, Amernia ND.).
Please go to their website to learn more and to please donate to help their huge legal bills for their continuing fight against Monsanto, thank you.

Nelson Farms website:

This video also lists the FDA, EPA, and Government officials who were/are also top Monsanto personal (starting at 2:27 in video), This is the most blatant criminal conflicts of interest I have ever seen, but main stream media refuses to inform the people.

P1) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.1 of 5):

P2) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.2 of 5):

P3) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.3 of 5):

P4) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.4 of 5):

P5) Monsanto Patent for a Pig (Pt.5 of 5 End):

Monsanto Company, the world leader in Genetically Modified foods.
This "mega" company also now owns most of the world's seed.

They (Monsanto) are now seeking a patent on the actual pig. It's an astounding and dangerous claim.

The world has allowed this company to basically own life!
If you have not heard of the Monsanto Corporation and you eat food like most humans on earth, it would be worth your time to research what this company has done to the world's food sources, supplies and what they have planned.

Unless you live in one of the most remote parts of this planet, the odds are you eat foods that have genetically modified (from Monsanto Co.) products in them. People are ingesting these every day, without realizing it. Studies are linking the massive, almost pandemic levels of rare cancers, to the direct increase in GM foods world wide!

Below are very important links. They very well could be, one of the most important videos you can watch, especially if you have small children.

1)"Future of Foods":

*NEW* 2) Reporters Blow Whistle on FOX News: Monsanto and our milk:
If you are giving regular milk to your children, it is 95% likely to be from cows injected with Monsanto's BST. If you have little children, at least feed them certified Organic Milk or Organic milk equivalent like Organic soy milk:

*NEW* 3) "Monsanto: Extinction"

4) "The World According to Monsanto" (Ground breaking proof of how the head of the FDA are actually heads of the Monsanto Company):

*NEW* 5) "Monsanto: Seed of Death" (Monsanto's rape of farmer Percy Schmeiser)

6) Percy Schmeiser Part 1:

*NEW* 7) "Monsanto: End of Life" (last part of this video shows undeniable proof that the FDA & Monsanto are one in the same.) Criminal conflict of interest.

8) "You and your milk" (MONSANTO):

You must STOP feeding your young children non organic milk and GM foods. Their health depends on your knowledge which Monsanto is tying to cover up for PROFITS.

A few of my favorite videos that have been suppressed by main stream media; videos that could very well change you:

1A) - HBO: Hacking Democracy - :

2A) - America: Freedom to Fascism - :

3A) - FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution:

4A) - Electronic Voting Machines Whistle Blower - :

5A) - Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water - :

6A) - We Become Silent - The Last Days of Health Freedom - :

7A) - Dangers of Fluoride Pt.1 - :

8A) - The Truth about Fluoride - :

Nazi & USSR used Fluoride to make their people docile, complacent and very manageable.

Have you been asking yourself why we Americans are NOT taking action against the massive criminal misconduct of some of our top officials and their travesties? Why we only "woke up" for the first year after 9/11, then like some colossal giant that was awakened by a loud noise, yawned, rolled back over and promptly fell back asleep?
Category: News & Politics

Tags: world according to Monsanto corporation genetically modified food GM foods seed farmers take over patent for pig monopolies documentary commentary news political commercial suppression ATS Obushma milk pus Obama Bush Cheney hotforwords corporate elites conflict of interest future knights malta G20 20 GMO GMO's FDA cover-up EPA media blackout Fox BGH BST cancer POSILAC 9/11Hacking Democracy fluoride freedom fascism grassroots outreach analysis